The Research and
Development Fund
Big companies have research and development
Individuals seldom do, but without
a research and development
fund it can be difficult to change
your life.
I think the single most valuable
thing that money can buy,
apart from health, is the time in
which to have a life-changing
experience. I don’t simply mean
time learning new skills and
acquiring knowledge, though this is
a wonderful thing and I can
never have too much of it. I mean
time in which life itself can
teach you.
There are changes which happen in
a heartbeat, but
considered change takes time. And
it often takes money. Here is a
dream situation. You have worked steadily
for some time and you
have built up a reserve fund which
will allow you to take time out
of your career to retrain, or to follow
a passion, or to volunteer in a field
that interests you, or to travel in
pursuit of a dream. Of
course you might have cleaned up on
the stock exchange instead,
won the lottery, backed a winning
horse or inherited a large sum
of money from a distant relative.
These are all possible, but I really
don’t recommend counting on
any of them. Creating your own
fund is the way to go, but create
it with a purpose. Know what it
is for.
A research and development fund
can buy you books that
will help you change your life. It
can pay for you to take an
evening class or go on a weekend course,
even take a part-time
degree. It can allow you to travel
and explore, not just to take a
holiday but to travel with a purpose,
to research archaeology,
practise a foreign language or do
voluntary work that will help
someone else and re-educate and re-energize
you. More and more
employers are recognizing that staff
who take time out to re-energize themselves
re-invigorate the workplace too. A
research and
development fund can pay for a whole
year off when you wake
up and realize that you’ve been
doing the same job without a
break for far too long.
When I was 50 my research and development
fund rescued
me from an intolerable feeling of
being stuck and sent me off to
art school. When I look back at my
diaries I can see that those first
few weeks of art school brought me
alive again. I was thrilled
with the stimulation, the tapping
of latent creativity. I loved the
sociability of working alongside other
people whose minds and
spirits and lives were in a state
of flux. I loved being taught how
to see again. My research and development
fund bought me
new friendships as well as time away
from my habitual life, a
new level of knowledge and expertise
and, in due course, new
paid work.
If you are poor to start with, or
young, which often
amounts to the same thing, there are
other ways to create the
leverage which brings change in a
kind of way. You can try stepping
stones (see page 45). I know, for
example, someone who was determined
to get into radio. She had
a job as a newspaper reporter which
had begun to bore her and
she’d done an evening class
in radio which had inspired her.
Against the advice of her family she
threw up her job so that she
would be free to do unpaid volunteer
work in community radio
and unpaid work at her local radio
station. She earned her keep
by spending nights working in a bar
and cut her expenses by taking
a bed in a shared room in a shared
It all looked grim to begin with
and she worked very hard,
but over the course of a single year
she began to get paid shifts in
radio and progressed to the point
where she was doing so many of them
that she could give up the bar work.
Then she moved
from paid shifts to a short-term contract
and finally became a
member of staff, earning double what
she had been getting in her
newspaper job and becoming more skilled
because of the invaluable
technical training she was getting.
There were plenty of risky
points along the way, but this girl
created her own fund of time
and effort and her commitment impressed
her future employers
so much that eventually she benefited
from the organization’s
research and development fund and
not her own.
Research and development may not
even need a fund. It
can happen in very small spaces if
it must. Julia Cameron, in The
Artist’s Way, recommends artists’
dates, weekly outings where
you go alone into the world, take
the pressure off yourself and
stimulate your imagination. You could
take a walk in the park, go
to an art gallery or spend an hour
on the beach.
I know an editor who makes all her
staff stay at their desks
through the lunch hour. Nobody likes
working for her and their
creativity and enthusiasm dry up.
I know another editor who
hates to see her staff at their desks
in the lunch hour. She wants
them out on the street seeing the
latest art exhibition, picking up
ideas from what people are wearing
and checking out the shops.
She’s not daft. That is all
research and development. And it not
only keeps her and her staff in touch
but also keeps her magazine
on the ball.
Left alone, doing the same thing
over and over, we stagnate
and freeze. If life isn’t changing
for you then it is vital to create
conditions for change yourself. Having
a research and development
fund of your own, whether it is £50
or £500, is the best way I know
of being your own guardian angel.